Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Week Forty-One

Hinton is forty-one weeks old today. He was not very cooperative in having his pictures taken today!

Week Forty + Six Days

So, for some reason I got it in my head that YESTERDAY was picture day. In these pictures Hinton is 40 weeks + 6 days old.

Silly pics:

Up Close & Personal

Driver's Seat

I let Hinton drive home.

Visiting Kelson & Kohyn

Hinton and I went to visit Amber, Kelson and Kohyn at their new house yesterday.

Hinton seemed very interested in Kohyn, and kept getting close enough to her to touch her. He was also entertained by Kelson.

Oh, what a difference 7 months makes!

Kelson is 3 1/2 and Kohyn is 2 months old.

He fell asleep where? Part 2

It would have been funny, except that it happened because he wasn't feeling well and was completely exhausted.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Week Forty

Hinton is forty weeks old today.

New Bear

Hinton having fun with his new teddy bear.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Another pool

Brandon set up the baby pool in the backyard for Hinton yesterday.

On the move videos

Hinton's wonky crawl:

And the expert roller:


Daddy & Baby

Brandon, hiding almost completely behind Hinton.


Up I go

Hinton, trying to pull himself up alongside the coffee table. And getting very, very frustrated when he couldn't get up much farther than his knees.


Hinton got a taste of his first sweet treat. He seemed startled, almost every time, to discover that it was cold.

Sippy Cup Video

Sippy Cup

Per his pediatrician's instructions, we have started offering Hinton a sippy cup. He hasn't quite figured out what it is used for.